How does the sound of nature affect your wellbeing?

3 min readAug 21, 2021

Many of us start our day by banging on the hands-on alarm clock, snoozing it 15 times, and then rushing for there as quickly as possible. All that hustle and bustle of cars honking, gurgles of the people in a subway, etc. We tend to ignore them but in the long run, they may cause some serious effects on our health and wellbeing.

The sounds of raindrops, ocean ripples, thunderstorms, and chirping of birds, which are known as nature sounds, have a deep impact on the life of human beings in the process of evolution. However, many of us today are away from listening to those sounds. Studies are conducted to study our hypothesis that listening to nature sounds and it reveals that it can influence our mental conditions.

A group of scientists from the U.S. and Canada decided to study the merits of nature using their ears so that found out that there is plenty of evidence that spending some time in natural areas is good for our health and mind but typically this research is done from a visual perspective (tree cover and other measures of ‘greenness’), they were curious to know about the roles of sounds that we hear in these spaces.

But how can different type’s sound waves affect your body and mind that’s a question, let’s discuss a famous study done by some researchers-

For Instance, Sound expert Julian Treasure has given five TED talks on the topic of sound. In his talk about the most debatable topic by researchers “The Ways Sound Affects Us”, Treasure outlines how sound plays more of a role in our lives than we know, in both positive and negative ways. According to Treasure:

Sound plays a vital role in our life. You always get annoyed if loud noises go on too long, and now think about the oceans, how the sound of the ocean can be calming. Listening to natural sounds relaxes our mind and body. Chirping and hooting of birds often sound to people particularly comforting and reassuring. They explain that it’s been ingrained in our psyche over hundreds of thousands of years — when birds are singing, things are safe; “It’s when they stop you need to worry!” and also in some countries and regions it is often considered as arrival of spring-The most beautiful season where every living being bloom out in happiness.

Some of the sounds may also affect us cognitively. “We have a very small amount of bandwidth for processing auditory input,” says Treasure. This is why it’s so hard to concentrate in noisy environments. Natural sounds such as a running brook or birdsong can be excellent choices for focus.

Sound also affects us physically and behaviorally. Listening to some distressing sound like. Sounds of construction, traffic, and general noise affect where we choose to spend time. And if we can’t remove ourselves from unpleasant sounds, it can eventually affect our health




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